Monday, February 20, 2023

Coffee Liqueur recipe

Guessssss who's gonna make dat 'coffee liquir'?

If you guessed the ol' el geophf, you guessed right(ly)! 😎 

Okay. 1 1/2 cups of ground coffee into a bourbon jar. How are we going to do that without spilling?


Well, take 1, anyway.

Okay, NOW we've got the hang of it!

Pouring coffee grounds into a bourbon jar, taketh twoeth.

No disasters, DESPITE my daughter's snarky predictions. 😤

Coffee and rum, steeping. Now: we wait three weeks.

How do we KNOW when three weeks have elapsed?

#labeling #protip 

Status report

Day 0, and the coffee/rum has turned to clay.

I'm adding Rum to the mix and checking the seal is airtight.

I may need a lot more rum, which sounds like not-a-problem, right? ... until I serve 185-proof coffee liqueur, and everybody be like: 💀smh. 🙄

Irish Cream recipe

Okay. ('Ope' as my daughter, Li'l Iz, now says)

I'mma makin' di Irish Cream.

Stand back, people, and watch. #ProAtWork

Recipe from

My slight alteration: 

I’m using peppermint syrup instead of almond extract to make peppermint Irish cream.

  1. Pour Irish cream into peach schnapps bottle. 

  1. Wait for my cara spoza to make what she thinks is a fuzzy navel.
  2. Run.
  3. Hide. 😅
  4. Have self-preservation kick in, and label the bottle correctly as “peppermint Irish cream.“

Why is there never scotch tape in the house? 😤 #TheRealQuestion.

The result kicks like a mule. I added coffee ice cubes and coffee, and that kicks like a mule too! #Whiskey.

The. End.