Thursday, August 28, 2008

Isabel Marie

Originally posed circa the Ides of March, 2003:

With joy I announce that my wife (Diane) and I are expecting our second child. We went to the Doctor's today and a tiny wiggling baby with a good heartbeat was what Gina, our midwife, saw in the sonogram.

Diane and Elena Marie have just returned from the Philippines after a five week stay with family -- Diane, in her condition, needs much more rest, and Elena Marie, being a one year old, needs much more play -- that's where I come in. I'm doing my best to overcome my shy, retiring nature to provide adequate entertainment.

Mahal Tata Omar at Tata Dennis: sinabi ni bunsoh, "Tata! Tata!" at tinuroturo kung sa pinto. Siyempre, balikbayan kami! Kaylan?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Oh my oh my.

    How wonderful for the three of you! Thank you for sharing your great news with everyone.

    Also, thank you for sending my rice crackers. I've been rationing myself and sharing them a little with very special people only. Yummy.
