Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Santa Lucia Day!

It was a cold morning (--the heater broke and we didn't have heat through the night!) Yes, it was very cold, and the Parents were hiding in layers of blankets and a comforter. Then lo! Two barefoot Daughters dressed in white, walked in the room to warm us up with mugs of hot drinks and a big plate of cranberry bread. They were aglow --mostly from the big smiles they sported, as the candles on their wreaths were made of paper, because this year, they finally pulled off a Santa Lucia morning breakfast. All on their own.

Next year, they hope to walk in singing this song --

Now 'neath the silver moon ocean is glowing.
O'er the calm waters soft winds are blowing.
Where balmy breezes blow, all things invite us,
And as we gently row, all things delight us.

Hark! How the sailors' cry joyously echoes nigh:
"Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!"

Since they're part Italian, maybe they'll learn it in Italian instead! Their Grand-Nana would have been proud.

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