Thursday, December 10, 2009

Letter to Li'l Iz on St. Nick's day

My dear Li'l Iz,

Happy St. Nicholas Day! I hope you enjoyed your St. Nicholas day this year. Thank you for the presents. It was very sweet of you and Até to wrap them for me.

This letter is my St. Nicholas Day present back for you. And, this past year, you've come quite a long way. What, with all the learning and adventures you've had, the travel to the Philippines and Connecticut and Amhert, the performances you've put on with Até, ... and now dancing with Nuns! Wow!

As much as you've done this past year, this coming year is filled with much more: much more promise, and activity. I hope this new year will be as adventurous and as exciting as this past year.

But I hope something more than that for you: I hope it's better than tat. I hope that this new year is so much better than what you hoped, so much so that you are just wowed by it.

That's what I hope for you.

All my love,

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