Monday, March 22, 2010

Mom Has Breast Cancer

So, my mom has breast cancer, and she had surgery, and she's going through Chemo now and Radiation down the road. So, I'll be writing about that.

Mom's next chemo is next Wednesday, 24 March, and no family will be with her at home before, during and after that time, so I offered to stay. So I'm staying in Lake Charles another 10 days. I'll be there until the 28th of March at which time I'll be back in Washington D.C.

Mom is looking wonderful ('cause she's a fighter, you know) but she's not up for much, and is grateful for the day-to-day help. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

I am adjusting appointments/schedules as best I can, if there is something you need from me or something you wish for me to pass to Mom, please contact me: email here or my cell, which you all have.

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