Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thankgiving for being loved

Dear LORD,

Thank You for today. Thank You for allowing me to be productive and playful at work.  It is a rare thing that a man can contribute in this world and have fun doing it: thank You for allowing me this time to have both these blessings.

Thank You for giving me courage to talk with Dharni about the business plan for my trading system. Please make that plan a worthwhile and fruitful endeavor, not only for me and my family, but also for my friends that I have gained through Your blessed Beneficence.

LORD, please bless Mike, Mikey and Mia, myself and my mother: my family that has celebrated birthdays these past few weeks. Let them love and be loved.

Thank you for the simple supper tongiht of a Chik-fil-a chicken wrap and pancakes; a silly supper, but a special one because I got to spend time with my girls and listen to them practicing their French drills with that ridiculous Southern accent, and see their wonderful smiles and know that I am loved, just because, is all.

I am very blessed, LORD. Thank You.

I pray all this in the Name of Jesus, the Christ.


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