Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Dear LORD,

So many prayers offered to You, LORD, from so many faithful.  It gives me hope and consolation reading through this notebook to see so many put their faith and theirs fears in You. Thank You for this gift, LORD, of the Adoration Chapel, that we may all come to You and get some time aside to think, to fast, and to pray, to hope and to dream, to plan and to retrench.

Thank You, LORD, for today. Thank You for another good day at work and for the good interaction with coworkers. Please help me to be productive and helpful. Please allow the work I am doing to be fruitful. Please continue to nurture a cordial relationship with my coworkers. Please allow me to spend time with my family. Help me to grow closer to them. Help me to be a good husband and father; someone who my children are proud to have as a father and help to be a good friend to my wife: devoted and considerate, caring.

Dear LORD, we need Your help in our fianances. Please help us to be frugal and help us to be prosperous. LORD, please help me with my writing. Please help it to touch lives of the readers. Guide me so that I may write and write rightly. Please grant us success in our business endeavors.

Thank you, LORD, for the Adorers, so steadfast, devoted, and true . I pray for them. Please be with us all as we go through our days.

I ask this in the Name of Jesus, the Christ.


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