Wednesday, March 26, 2014

You lead; I'll follow

Dear LORD,

You lead, I'll follow. Jamie Grace sings so lightly, so happily, and her words have such depth to them: You lead, I'll follow.

LORD, let it be so every day.

Thank you, LORD, for this past week of employment: I'm so pleased my employer is pleased with me.  Please turn my good sart to an even better relationship, fostering mutual respect and help. Let me help my employer meet their targets and be pleased with their successes. Let my employs help me to be fulfilled in the work I am doing, let them help me to be productive and helpful. Thank you for the time I have commuting so that I may write and plan and build systems that can help my family achieve financial independence and freedom from debt.

Thank you for the work my wife is doing to manage our money so that we spend frugally and prudently. Thank you for the joy in the hearts off our children: their joy gives me great joy to see it in their eyes. May I be a good, kind, funny, caring Papa to them, that they feel safe with me and happy to have me as their Daddy.

LORD, You lead, I'll follow.

I ask all this in the name of Jesus, the Christ.


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