Friday, May 15, 2015

My Schedule

So, here's my day.

My day starts at 9 pm:

9 pm: post solution to today’s @1HaskellADay problem
9 pm: post tomorrow's @1HaskellADay problem
9 pm: curl
9 pm: scrap that, run system, record orders, place order execution for tomorrow’s opening

10 pm: eat a banana. brush teeth. go to bed

6:30 am: reveille, pack breakfast and lunch, weigh in, take vitamins, record
7:05 am: depart for 7:14 am bus

8:30 am: work, give them your best, every day
noon: lunch, record actual order executions placed last night, audit returns

5:30 pm: commute home, write, ignore people clipping their fingernails on the bus, ignore people who have the need to share their phone conversations publicly and loudly and for the whole bus ride home.

6:45 pm: walk home from bus stop, pray rosary
7:30 pm: supper

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