Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Adoration Chapel Prayers on our 20th Wedding Anniversary

Dear LORD,

Tonight I pray for a dear friend, Tom of Janie, for Julie's Aunt Hope, for Rachel that she find better, fulfilling work at her job, that she be healed from the soreness from her car accident today, and that her sister-in-law have a safe pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby in March 2017. I pray in thanksgiving for Rachel's safety during her car crash. I pray for Susan and Mrs. L. John. I pray for all my twitter followers for their health and spiritual happiness. I pray for Nora Sailor's Cursillo. I pray for Catholic Buckeye's peace of mind and soul, and for his personal intention.

Today, September 21, 2016 is our 20th Wedding anniversary!!

I pray for my wife, Diane and my children now living, Elena Marie and Isabel Marie and my children who went home to You. And for all to have a blessed, blessed day!

I ask this in Jesus' Name.


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