Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Prayers at Adoration Chapel; Beki's Birthday

Dear LORD,

Tonight I pray for Mama McLaughlin's soul and for Paisley Hayes' two teens and Michael Mbugah prays that the Blessed Virgin Mary pray he never depart from her Son.  I pray for li'l Iz on her 13th birthday that she continue to grown strengthened in Christ. I pray for my sister, Beki, on her 47th birthday today, that she remain consoled in Your Peach and Love. I pray for my Dad who had another birthday this month, in thanksgiving for his love and well-being; he's going to outlive me, isn't he, LORD, the old coot! AHA!

I pray for my family's grace and happiness, and I pray for strength that I may continue to provide for and to protect them.

I ask all these things in the Name of Jesus.


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