Wednesday, October 12, 2016

2016-10-12 Adoration Prayer

Dear LORD,

Thank You for today. Thank You for others helping at work today so we could make progress on a stymied administrative issue. Thank You for the nurses today who helped me at cardiac rehab. Thank You for them doing their duty and having patience with me, their patient, particularly Isabelle.

Please bless the Adorers who adore You, particularly those who have birthdays this month or TODAY! AHA! Please You I pray for the doctors being pressured into defending the right to life, particularly those who are asked to perform abortions, that scourge! Please watch over James' grandma. Please watch over those on twitter, and please guide those who have lost their way to look up and to find You, their Way. Please watch over Jane as she does her duties in caring for others and please heal her knee. Please preserve us all from the fires of hell and lead us home to You.

I ask all this in the Name of Jesus.


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