People 'care' too much about silly things they have no influence over, like the pope and Hollywood's opinion, and care too little about the Last Things, that they have a direct say in. Coworker: "Did you hear about the news about ... [Haiti, Norway, Trump, the Pope]?" Me: "1. No. 2. Ask me if I care."
People get all worked up over Today's news, sharing their opinions loudly on the bus, then the very next day, they're back at doing exactly what they were doing yesterday: going to hell, day by day. It annoys me, but St. Bonaventure/Jose Maria tells me I should thank God for these mortifications and try to better myself, first, before I sully myself in argument that does no material good except increase obstinacy on both sides.
My brother calls me out on this: "Why didn't you speak up on Charlottesville? You're influential on twitter, you know." My answer was: "Because it's stupid and the only thing I can contribute is to add to the noise." If I am silent when I should speak out, this is my sin, but I find I shout my lungs out (too often?) for the salvation of a soul not ready to hear my message nor to receive it in love.
What, then, shall we do?
How, then, shall we live?
Be still and silent, and let the Holy Spirit guide you. When I do that, miracles happen and hearts change. And it takes a tremendous amount of bravery to do that one little thing of "Hey, how are you? I love you. Wanna talk? I'm here." And then listen.
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