Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Joy of the LORD

meditations on Divine Mercy Chaplet.

"Why are you religionists so bound to this patriarchal imposition on you? Be happy! Be free! Get rid of your superstitions and join us Shiny, Happy People."

Let's talk, for one second, about you shiny, happy people: you atheists.

Where is your joy?

I've met several kinds of atheists, some are very ill-informed, spouting The Narrative that they've been fed from the feeds they've been spooned from the Gubmint, the Shool (the Gubmint, again), the parochial shool (sadly, but well-known for a century now), and The MEDIA.

"God is ded. We kilt'm. Long live mother Earth/Pachamama/Shiva/SCIENCE and stuff."

Wait. Didn't you just replace God with your gods that you just created in your own image and likeness?

Let's look at your own image and likeness.

You're fat. You're lazy. You're slothful. You're vicious. You're perverted.

And you're not happy.

Angry. Bitter. Sad.

But not happy.

This is the gods the atheists want us to worship: "THINK FOR YOURSELF! [but only if you think OUR way]. FREE YOURSELF FROM YOUR OPPRESSIVE GOD! [to be aborted, divorced, and used as a sex-object]. FIGHT DA MAN! [to drink his corporate coffee, litter the streets (forcing poor workers to clean up after your pollution), and make photocopies as he cheats on his wife with you... in the supply closet. Only to dump you and fire you when he's done with you. How romantic.]"

Is that what you want?

Because that's what you get when you go the way that the World offers you.

I've met some mellow individuals who are atheists, but they are the thoughtful, and truly independent ones. They don't spout anybody else's nonsense, except their own, and usually, they are self-aware enough to know that they don't know. These are the very, very few atheists I have met.

Maybe one person. Maybe two.

The rest ...?

The rest, I pray for you, but that's all I can do. I can't stop your one-way, determined, grim charge straight down to the pits of hell, not without me being caught up in that entangled mess of self-hate, self-loathing, and self-destruction. So: good luck to you, and buy an asbestos suit, because you're going to need it.

And, yeup, me, too. I'm not exempt because I'm pious or self-righteous. Jesus made that very clear, and I hear Him. I don't 'deserve' heaven. Nobody does. Heaven is a gift from God, freely given, and all we have to do is accept it by loving Him.

If ye love me, keep my commandments.
It's really that simple. His commandments are not oppressive. His commandments are posts in the ground: "There's a cliff beyond this mark. Stay on this side, My side, and be safe. Step out of the line, and you die."

That's comforting. Dad told you: "Son! Don't touch the stove!" But did you listen? No, and you got burned. Dad doesn't say: "Don't touch the stove!" because he's a meanie and he's so disempowering to you. Dad said "Don't touch the stove!" because he loves you and he doesn't want you to hurt yourself.

"Son, don't rape children. Daughter, don't sell your body for love, because you'll get sex, and not love, and no self-worth. Son, don't cut your dick off."

What do the atheists say? What does LBGTQBBQIDGAF say? The exact opposite.

And are they happy?

Fatherlessness is the cause of unhappiness. People who have sex-change operations regret it. Homosexuality is 1% of the population but over 25% of pedophilia. Black Live Matter seeks to destroy the nuclear family to destroy what is good for the children.

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure..." ~ Black Lives Matter: What we believe.
This is the present that atheists, Black Lives Matter, and feminists ("Down with the Patriarchy! Women should be free to destroy their bodies with chemicals now [birth control] to be used as sex-objects and chemicals later [Xanax] when the depression hits and they ask themselves: 'why have we destroyed all the good men?'") want you to have.

What about God's Presence?

3 pm is the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Yeup, one of those long Catholic prayers that we're 'forced' to do.

Except, what are you doing this quarantine, this Sunday? ... besides reading my blog?

My daughters belong to a group of young men and women, who, every day for a certain part of the day, turn their eyes toward God as a community of Faith.

Boring, no? Onerous, no?


They run to the laptop to join the zoom to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and afterwards, for a good hour now, they meet with their friends and talk and laugh and laugh and laugh.

The Joy of the LORD will be my strength
They pray, they obey, they are homeschooled, and, instead of being 'not socialized' (to what norm? kids in their swim team are having sex at the age of 14, ... so they can be like everybody else and be liked), they are centered, they are respected, they are leaders among their peers.


The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
They fear the LORD, and they obey their parents. Honoring your parents is the first Commandment where God promises blessings. Honoring your parents brings honor to your family and honor to yourself. Honoring your parents gives you a touchstone that centers you for the rest of your life. Where this generation (and all generations) are cut adrift it the sea of 'my rights, my self, my stuff,' these kids, these few kids who honor their parents and honor the LORD are...

... are happy, and joyful, and free to give themselves because they are fed from the wellspring that never runs dry.

Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst; the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
Lord, give me this water.

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