Tuesday, May 16, 2023

A man's a man for a' that

I 'love' it when women occasional post that men should be more sensitive, caring, thoughtful, socially-outgoing, ...

That men should be women.

Look. Why do men never post the opposite?

Because men love and respect women as they are.

Ladies, you love your man because he's a MAN.

And, sure, it'd be great if he crafted you a crème brulée and massaged your feet and lovey-dovied you to death.

But don't wish your man to be a woman: you'd eventually hate him for his effeminacy, and you got exactly what you wanted.

The reason that he's quiet around other people, that he doesn't plan out Mothers' Day, that he has work so you have to go to that function or take care of the family is because he's a man, and he's doing his job, as a man.

Pining for him to be a woman only brings resentment.

Instead of finding fault of what he's not, maybe, instead, recognize, to him, verbally, what he is.

Instead of noticing when he doesn't do something, maybe notice when he does: he's making an effort, for you, to please you, because he loves you.

Women: you have the power.

You can build your marriage and your family, or you can wreck it with just one word or just one look or just one tiktok.

And, yes, it's all on him, too, but as a man, not as a woman.

Think on these things, then thank God your man's a MAN.

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