Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A New Year's Prayer

Dear LORD,

It's my first entry for Your year 2013. I went there to the Philippines, and by Your Grace, came back again. I'm thinner now, thank You LORD, but I'm not a better person in the New Year, and I regret being an offense to You in my weakness.

I have written quite a bit, again: I thank You, and I also thank You that my writing touches people's hearts and has opened up a conversation between me and my wife. Thank You for this adjustment time, this time where I've been allowed to ease back into my life in the States and relax and watch Once and FÅmål and see people try and fail and break their heart failing, but realize failing isn't failing when you do what you can with and for the one you love.

Tomorrow is another day, LORD, help me be a better man tomorrow than what I was today. Help me to grow closer to you, help me to reach out to my family and to the ones I love instead of withdrawing from them, help me to be productive and to avoid sloth.

I ask all these things through Jesus Christ, our LORD.


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