Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Post-inauguration prayer

Dear LORD,

Thank You for today, and for the warmth You provide in this cold weather, both from the heaters that keep us physically warm to the Love of friendship You show forth in Your created things. Thank You for filling my belly with the help from my brother Mike and please do fill my heart with Your Divine Love and open my heart so that I may accept it. Help me to be productive during the day so that I may labor diligently and help me to pray so my labors may be in accordance with Your Will.

Ora et Labora.

LORD, we have a new President. Please guide and protect him so that he may see rightly and do right.

Please be with my wife and daughters also as they are in the Philippines. Help my wife in her decision to know what is best for the family in whether to extend her stay there or to return home here. Please grant me bravery, courage, compassion and lovingkindness.

I ask all these through Jesus Christ, our LORD, Amen.

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