- In my last post about shopping lists I wrote the fateful word nutella. When my darling daughter saw that word, she burst into her song, as she always does, rocking from foot to foot in a swaying dance as she sang:
nutella! nutella!
It is a blessing a $6 jar will please her so for three months. I shudder at the following thought: what if her delight food was sushi? So, remember everyone (*ahem* right, dear?), sometimes nutella-love is a small sacrifice to make.
I love
nutella! - Li'l Iz and I went out to check for the mail. She asked, plaintively, Anything for me? so I handed her a "ValPack" of coupons to the local pizzaria, etc. She was so happy that she grabbed my hand and twirled about in graceful waltz-like steps, forgetting the new treasure of coupons for the precious few minutes of twirling with her pashti.
- I was doing DDR [Of course! What's a pater familias post without DDR?], and I crowed with victory when I posted a new grade for Jam On It (Newcleus) A → AA, Isabel looked up from "feeding" her "baby". A thoughtful look crossed her face and she asked: Papa, how long have your been doing DDR?
This question took me aback. Oh, more than 10 years, sweetie was my reply. That got me to thinking. She asked a question about an activity that has been going on for twice the length of her life. For me, a (nearly) 5-year-old looking beyond what's affecting her now was nearly unfathomable. When was the last time I have thought about things of more than 100 years?
Of course, I also posted improvements to
- Tough Enough (Vanilla Ninja): A → AA
A super cutesy-silly song with a "Tough Enough" grrl-band (get it?) that I finally aced today because I finally bore down hard enough to play through the entire song without bursting out in laughter; and - Life is a Game (Arctic Blue): A → AA
Another one of those simple songs that I aced by coming back to after more than a year of not playing it. There was gritting of teeth (so I wouldn't burst out "oh, please!" during the saccharin-y melodramatic turns of phrasings), and after a short while, the AA.
Time for another dip in Best Buy's stock price.
Since 2003, Geopfh. If you recall, it was at the old house and you got a demonstration on a crochety PS2.