So, okay, you've been baited into a meeting under a pretense, then, BAM! they switcheroo'd on you. Now you in this ... 'meeting'? do I call it a 'meeting,' when really it's an inquisition. So, you're in this thing, and your back is against the wall.
What do you do?
Here's what you don't do.
What I did: I played along, played nice, and survived the 'meeting' with this or that platitude, as required.
That's the default, right? "Let me just survive this and get the hell out of here."
Why survive a meeting? Why lick the boots of the bossman (and, in my case: bosswoman), cower, and snivel?
For a job? Really? Because you really need this job? Really?
Let me tell you about this job.
It's a job. You do your work, it's part of your life.
You are investing your life into your job.
You only have this life, and then: you are going to die.
And, you're not doing yourself any favors, sniveling and scraping, and you're also not doing your boss any favors, right? You know that, right?
If your boss is being a little tyrant, then that's all they are: little, and a tyrant. So why, even, are you there, if all you are is a yes-man?
I am four years into my second chance. I had two heart attacks – the second one almost killed me – each day, now, is a gift from God Almighty. Am I going to waste this gift in servitude?
I'm an expert in my field. I have 25 years of experience working with some good managers and some bad ones, but they are all human beings, like me (maybe). I don't need to kowtow to my boss. I need to work for my boss to get the job done.
And the job won't get done if I check out as a yes-man. And the job won't get done when the boss is a little tyrant, demanding everybody be afraid of him or her. How can you get your job done if you check out? How can your team get the job done if you're spending time playing mind-games, trying to make people agree with everything that falls out of your mouth?
You can't. They can't. Nobody can.
Try this.
If you don't agree with something, say that. If you get gamed, say that.
"Look, I'm not ready to discuss this now at this meeting. Can we set up another meeting to discuss this?"
That's all you need to do. If they start to wander into mind-games, you call them on it, and say you won't play, because you're here to get work done.
Aren't they?
You do it the right way, they'll appreciate the correction. You do it the wrong way, or the wrong person is your boss, you've made an enemy, and you lost your job.
No big deal. Count yourself blessed to have an enemy who is a little tyrant. Count yourself blessed that you got fired from a job that going to is pure hell. You got out of hell. Get a different job that's better!
But if you don't speak up, it's your fault that your job sucks. And if you do speak up, and your job does get better, then:
Then: your job is better. Not just for you, but for everybody on your team. Because of you.
Think about that before you decide to grin and bear it again.
Think about that.